Thursday, October 15, 2009


for the past few days, i've noticed a new tv ad by levi's, which i believe is there latest ad campaign. the ad caught my interest because i felt something special about it. it was more than just advertising... it was art, it was poetry.

however, i honestly did not understand the concept of the campaign until i did some research online. it looks like levi's is trying to inspire people with this new campaign, as well as pay tribute to the company's roots. despite much criticism, i think it's a great campaign.

this was the commercial i saw on tv. unlike the one below, this commercial didn't translate well to me because i couldn't figure out what the poem or the ad itself had to do with jeans.


both excerpts are from poems by an american poet named walt whitman. what's really interesting is that the voice you hear in the commercials is actually from original wax recordings of whitman reading his poems.

to learn more about the campaign, visit the website

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