Wednesday, December 30, 2009

who is maggie?

"bookworms never go to bed alone" is a mixed media art exhibition by new zealand photographer/illustrator kelly thompson. it was launched on july 2 - july 19 by gorker gallery located in melbourne, australia.

'bookworms never go to bed alone' evokes memories of those old schoolyard days, being called names like four eyes, freckle face, surfboard, etc... and the wonderful irony of getting older and growing into that beautiful 'alternative' geeky swan.

MAGGIE by kelly thompson
i was particularly intrigued by this illustration because it truly depicts the message of the entire collection. the eyeglasses clearly portrays nerds, and how they lack social skills (ergo covered face). on the other hand, the breasts/body figure, and the stripping of the shirt, represents the ironic transformation into that "beautiful geeky swan".

what brought back my attention to maggie is that i just discovered the other day who maggie really is. little did i know, maggie is ana cuba, a photographer from barcelona, spain!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


feeling blue this holiday season? hope this cheers you UP ;)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the introvert bodybuilder

i enjoyed this short film by danish director mads matthiesen. it really puts into perspective a research paper i wrote, regarding social behavior of introverts.

what i loved about dennis is that it portrays the inherent view of introversion, which isn't the common way this personality is brought about.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

grunge goddess

i'm just a tiger and i'm lookin for a tigress

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

hell is almost over

YES! tomorrow is my last day of finals, and i'm just so HAPPY that the semester will be officially over for me. it has been a great semester to say the least.

my finals week survival kit:

haha yeah, that's about it. just me at the school library, with a textbook laying in front of me, sippin on some minute maid apple juice, as vampire weekend's tunes play on my ipod.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the accountant from sydney

i hope the girls in my finance class next semester are as cute as this accountant

Saturday, December 12, 2009

i'm not whole, you wast it all

i always enjoy that raw effect when two guitars echo off each other.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

the decline of the bourgeoisie

really lovin this editorial.


photography: vanina sorrenti
source: the sunday times style magazine

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

falling up

by timothy saccenti for - the storytellers collection

i saw this design while browsing through threadless yesterday and was really fascinated by it. unfortunately, the tee is sold out.