Thursday, August 27, 2009

local favorite: beach house

i've been residing in baltimore for almost 3 years now and i'm still not too familiar with its indie music scene. idk, i guess it's because i haven't been going to shows as much as i used to when i lived in nyc.

oh, and i still don't understand why baltimore was named "BEST SCENE" in 2008 by rolling stone [article]. i was surprised that brooklyn didn't make the cut, but i was even more surprised that it was baltimore of all places. anyways... i don't want to discuss baltimore's booming scene or new york's indie hot spot, brooklyn.

although i don't know too many baltimore indie acts, beach house is my new local favorite! i heard about them when i was looking for shows i could go to during my stay in new york and noticed that beach house is touring with grizzly bear this fall. so.. i checked them out on itunes and instantly got hooked!

the first song on this video is entitled "master of none", and it's my favorite song by beach house. as you probably read, the video is actually taken from a show they played early this august in baltimore. unfortunately, i was in new york then. however, i'm definitely gonna try to catch em the next time they play in baltimore. that's if they don't move to brooklyn lol.

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