in particular, i saw an article on a band named alberta cross in one of rolling stone's issues last year. aside from the good looking photo and the word brooklyn (or was it new york?), i neglected the piece and continued to flick through the pages as usual. unfortunately, i missed out on hearing about one of the best new bands out there.
however, thanks to my neighborhood station, i was able to reacquaint myself with alberta cross the other day. and i have to say, kudos to rolling stone, alberta cross is definitely one of the best new bands out there.
description of their sound:
Nineties-style shoegaze guitar dissonance fused with the laid-back hippie folk rock of 1970’s Los Angeles. It’s all topped off with the high-lonesome vocals of lead singer Petter Ericson Stakee, a Swedish import whose voice recalls Neil Young and Jim James. Their full-length debut Broken Side of Time features wind tunnels of bent guitar riffs, distort power chords and the haunting melodies of rural American music. [RS]
alberta cross's debut album, broken side of time is already out (and it's real good!). you can stream the entire album on their website.